17 February 2012

remember when they started paying us to show up at assemblies?

so I wrote this letter to Vitter asking him to vote something down. then the form letter response came:

Dear Mr. hmmlaaah,

You may be pleased to know that I am a cosponsor of this bill that would permit a health plan or provider to decline coverage for services that are contrary to the institutions' religious beliefs. This bill would repeal a new ObamaCare mandate that requires faith-based institutions to offer employees insurance coverage for contraceptives. It would also prohibit discrimination against the entities due to their unwillingness to provide these services.

Like you, I believe that health care plans and providers should not be required by the government to administer services that they religiously oppose. As the author of the Abortion Non-Discrimination Act, I have long fought to provide conscience protections for health care entities. My bill would further prevent the Department of Health and Human Services from forcing religious organizations to abandon their beliefs. Rest assured that I will continue to protect religious liberty and support this bill's passage in the U.S. Senate.

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on this important issue. Please do not hesitate to contact me again about any other issue important to you and your family.



see, the problem is, I had sort of expressed distaste with the exemption of religious organizations from providing services otherwise available across the board due to a conscience objection, and suggested the indignation at hand was so much bluster, since the insurance companies themselves would be providing the coverage and the actual agency of the (let's have it out, now) sin would not be theirs.

(cue opening choral of Chumbawamba's "One by One")

which, in the end, is somewhat how it played out.
but damn, man. I took the time out from playing dress-up to send you an email that had intelligible thoughts in it-- can't one of your staffers at least cut and paste two form letters together or something?

just make me feel like it was worth my time, hawny.