days of late have had a surreal quality, almost as if a fog were
burning off, but taking a measure of colour and saturation along with
Then I wake to find that things are still maraudingly vivid here in the Most Serene Republic of Atlantis-upon-Mississippi.
Meanwhile: a communiqué from our Esteemed Directress.
Good morning all
I made these cupcakes http://www.yourcupofcake.com/ 2013/03/lemon-mascarpone- cupcakes.html and will be selling them today for $1 each
[a bargain because the cake lady by my house sells cupcakes for $2!)
for our March of Dimes fundraising . I also have a few devils
food with vanilla buttercream (and Cadbury eggs too). (24 total)
I am going to put the all names of the Walk for Babies Team volunteers in a basket and draw one name to apply the $$ to.
If you would like to “reserve” one of these cupcakes, shoot me an e-mail—first come, first served!
is almost enough to make my heart weep, the sheer absurd poesy of it
all. Nero only raped burning Rome with his own theatrical
compositions. Eat your heart out! Here we sit, a Bastille in
the making (though not a shred so populist), and the Directress,
instead of answering a few nice questions from the feds, bakes cake!
O, let them eat cake, sweet lemon mascarpone cupcake for babies, as little Brucie goes into the crucible!
Sometimes I wonder if the Latin American republics couldn’t take a lesson or two from us.*identifying markers redacted from the letter.